Flexible working
to support
wellbeing and
family life
We have a total of 224 flexible working
arrangements in place, for both male and female
employees. The majority of these are for
females, but we have flexible working contracts
in both operational and support roles for both
genders, as shown by the chart below. L5
Insert P31 Flexible working chart
Phil Young, our HRSS Systems Manager, is an
example of an employee who agreed a flexible
working arrangement with his manager.
By reducing and rearranging his hours, he is able
to have Friday as a non-working day - meaning
he can spend more time with his family.
Phil says "The pandemic made me reassess my
priorities, and work life balance became more
important to me. Now I no longer work Fridays I
get to spend more time with daughter as she is
growing up"
Insert P8, Phil's daughter of herself and her
Living Wage
Insert UN Icon - Decent Work and Economic
89.1% of our employees are paid above Living
Wage Foundation rates. Living Wage Foundation
(LWF) calculations have to exclude variable pay,
for example, performance related incentives and
bonuses. Our employee wage review in June
2021 showed that the employees whose pay
falls below this LWF threshold have their basic
pay significantly boosted by variable pay. So,
their total 'take home' pay is in reality higher
than this evaluation initially indicates. This has
led us to review the composition of basic versus
variable pay; we aim to put a plan in place to fill
the gaps between current basic pay and LWF