reporting for
For the first time, we're including emissions from
Bidfresh, as it's included within Bidcorp UK.
Bidfood emissions are verified to ISO14064 level
but Bidfresh emissions haven't been verified to
this level for 2020/21. These are displayed next
to the table of environmental impacts at the end
of this section.
Pallet wrap
In the absence of feasible alternatives, our
consumption of pallet wrap is a significant driver
of plastic usage, so we continue to target a
decrease in pallet wrap per item picked. 6
microns is now the preferred thickness of pallet
wrap across the Bidfood estate, as we can
achieve equal performance with less plastic. At
the time of writing this report, we are trialling a 5
micron wrap at our Slough depot. The table
below shows our consumption trend:
We are also trialling a reusable cage wrapper at
Paddock Wood, in our quest to ultimately
replace pallet wrap.