Supplier Focus:
Rockport Fish
Insert P47 Direct Seafoods Logo
Direct Seafoods are proud to supply our
Rockport fish, which is the vast majority of
our chilled fish offering. Direct Seafoods has
been at the forefront of sustainable practices
since the market awoke to the need to
preserve seafood stocks for future
generations. They have worked with several
non-governmental organisations (NGOs) in
both the wild and farmed seafood sectors.
This work means they have an intimate
understanding of the issues involved in
sustainable seafood. You can read their
sustainability policy here. Click the link below
to watch Laky Zervudachi, their Director of
Sustainability talk more about their approach.
Filmed in Brixham in September 2021.
Insert P33 Thumbnail of Laky, hyperlinked
to video
Embed code: <iframe src="https://
h=e1164740e3" width="640" height="360"
frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; fullscreen;
picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Bidfood ownbrand fish
As current members of the Sustainable
Seafood Coalition (SSC) we are committed to
using our business influence to improve the
health of our oceans. As a member of the
SSC we have committed to adopting two
voluntary codes of conduct:
1) Code of Conduct on Environmentally
Responsible Fish and Seafood sourcing.
This code relates to sourcing processes and
behaviours regarding buying practices of our
own brand fish and seafood.
2) Code of Conduct on Environmental
Claims. This code sets out what claims we
can make and the minimum criteria that must
be satisfied to make such claims. SSC
members have been working together since
2011 to define responsible business
behaviour for the seafood industry.
B Corps
We're glad to have a number of suppliers
who are certified B Corporations. B Corps are
businesses that meet the highest standards
of social and environmental performance,
transparency, and legal accountability to
balance profit and purpose. Click here to
see a list of certified B Corp suppliers
This list may grow as the year
progresses. For the B Corp directory click